03. Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation

Site Selection




Compressible site

Trendelenburg positioning (often not tolerated in respiratory distress)

Lower risk of pneumothorax (compared to subclavian)

Risk of neck hematoma with upper airway compromise

Hemodynamic monitoring with CVP, CvO2, and PA catheter placement

Potential cannulation of carotid (2-10%)

Patient can be ambulatory


Lower risk of deep vein thrombosis


When to consider a different site:

  1. Respiratory distress with inability to tolerate Trendelenburg.
  2. Patient discomfort with positioning.
  3. Inability to access due to ongoing CPR.
  4. Prior condition that alter local anatomy: clavicle fracture, sternotomy, neck surgery, or neck irradiation.

Catheter length: RIJ: 15cm, LIJ: 20cm



  1. Supine & Trendelenburg (10°): reduces risk of air embolism and engorges vein.
  2. Patient head rotated about 30° to contralateral side. Over-rotation distorts anatomy.
  3. Operator standing at the patient's head and positioned facing the patient’s feet.

Locating access point:

NOTE: at UCSF, cannulation is done with ultrasound guidance with the exception of emergency situations.

  1. Landmarks: locate the triangle separating the medial (sternal) & lateral (clavicular) components of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM).
  2. In this space, use the ultrasound to locate the IJ superficial and lateral to the carotid artery (compressible, nonpulsatile, Doppler flow towards heart).
  3. RIJ generally preferred over LIJ due to larger vein, direct path to SVC, ease of access for a right-handed operator, and absence of a thoracic duct.


  1. Ensure entry site is at the apex of the medial and lateral components of the SCM (about mid-neck 4-5cm above the SCM notch).
  2. Direct needle tip towards the ipsilateral nipple at a 30-45° angle to the skin.
  3. Use ultrasound guidance to confirm entry into IJ (decreases risk of PTX).
  4. See Principles of Vascular Access: Procedural Technique for remainder of procedural approach.