Resident Editor: Megan Lockwood MD
Faculty Editor: Sarah Goglin, MD
BOTTOM LINE ✔ Regardless of disease activity level, a treat-to-target strategy should be employed ✔ Early use of DMARD therapy is crucial for all patients with RA ✔ All patients should be referred to a rheumatologist, which is associated with better disease outcomes |
- U.S. prevalence of 1-2%
- Increases to 5% of F >70 y/o
- Peak onset in 4th-5th decade of life
- F:M predominance 2.5:1
- Risk factors: cigarette smoking; HLA-DRB1 haplotype (“shared epitope”), infections
Signs and Symptoms
- Typical presentation:
- Subacute development (weeks to months) of symmetric pain and swelling of the small joints (wrists, MCPs, PIPs, MTPs), may have associated fatigue, low-grade fever and weight loss.
- Other involved joints:
- Knees, elbows, ankles, hips, shoulders, TMJ, upper C-spine (C1–C2 transverse ligament tenosynovitis à atlantoaxial instability)
- Joints usually spared:
- DIPs, T/L-spine (however, patients may have concurrent DJD and/ or osteoporotic fractures that can affect the spine)
- Palindromic rheumatism:
- Self-limited mono- or polyarthritis lasting days to weeks, with 50% progressing to typical RA
Diagnostic Criteria
- According to 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Criteria, definite RA is defined as score of at least 6 (see table below) in a patient with synovitis (pain and swelling) in at least 1 joint and no alternative diagnosis that better explains his or her symptoms:
Joints |
1 large joint (shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle) |
0 |
2–10 large joints |
1 |
1–3 small joints (MCP, PIP, 2nd–5th MTP, thumb IP, wrist; excludes DIP, 1st CMC, 1st MTP), with or without large-joint involvement |
2 |
4–10 small joints, with or without large-joint involvement |
3 |
> 10 joints, including at least 1 small joint |
5 |
Serology |
RF neg, anti-CCP neg |
0 |
RF or CCP weakly pos (> ULN; if RF available as pos/neg only, consider pos result weakly pos) |
2 |
RF or CCP strongly pos (> 3x ULN) |
3 |
Acute-Phase Reactants |
ESR and CRP normal |
0 |
ESR or CRP elevated |
1 |
Duration of Symptoms |
< 6 weeks |
0 |
≥ 6 weeks |
1 |
Differential Diagnosis
- Viral Infection: Parvovirus B19, HCV (positive RF, usually joint pain > synovitis)
- Other inflammatory syndromes: SLE, systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) or Sjögren’s, overlap (such as with SLE)
- May see positive RF in all of these conditions
- Features not present in RA- Raynaud’s, rash and other positive auto-antibodies
- Other inflammatory arthritides:
- Psoriatic arthritis + Spondyloarthritides (involve DIP, less commonly symmetrical & look for involvement of SI joint)
- CPPD can have a “pseudo-RA” presentation
- Rarely inflammatory OA
Clinical joint exam
- Synovitis in affected joints (joint swelling and tenderness on exam)
- Deformities (seen in long-standing disease)
- Hands: Ulnar deviation at MCPs, swan-neck and Boutonniere deformities
- Wrists: Volar subluxation, radial deviation
- Feet: MTP subluxation (deformity can lead to ulcers of the toe)
Clinical exam for extra-articular manifestations
- Neurologic: Entrapment neuropathies, cervical myelopathy due to atlantoaxial instability
- Ophthalmologic: Secondary Sjogren’s, episcleritis / scleritis, peripheral ulcerative keratitis (“corneal melt”)
- Cardiac: Pericarditis and pericardial effusions, valvulitis and accelerated atherosclerosis
- Pulmonary: Pleural effusions (lymphocyte predominate, exudative effusions with low glucose), pulmonary nodules, interstitial lung disease (NSIP, UIP, and organizing pneumonia), pulmonary arterial hypertension, arteritis, shrinking lung
- Renal: SAA Amyloid, membranous nephropathy
- Hematologic: Normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytosis, lymphadenopathy, Felty syndrome (severe neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and splenomegaly that occurs in longstanding, untreated RA).
- Skin: Rheumatoid nodules, pyoderma gangrenosa, pallisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis
- MSK: In addition to arthritis may see inflammatory myositis and muscle atrophy
- Vascular: Small periungual infarcts (non- fatal), medium vessel arteritis resulting in LE ulceration (can be fatal)
Recommended initial labs:
- Serologies - If suspicious for RA then order both tests together (improves overall sensitivity)
- Rheumatoid Factor:
- Sensitivity 70%, Specificity 50-70%
- CCP Ab:
- Sensitivity 70%, Specificity >90%
- Rheumatoid Factor:
- Acute Phase Reactants: CRP, ESR
- Infectious: HBV, HCV, HIV, TB testing
- Basic Labs: CBC with diff, LFTs, Chemistry
X-rays: to assess for erosions
- Bilateral Hands – 3 views (includes the wrist so no need to order separately)
- Bilateral Feet – 3 views including weight bearing lateral views
Ongoing assessment:
- No need to recheck RF/CCP once positive.
- ESR & CRP correlate with disease activity
- General considerations:
- Early initiation of therapy can slow disease progression and prevent disability. Goal is to start treatment within first 3-6 mo of disease onset.
- Therapy is changed based on clinical disease activity scores with the goal of inducing and maintaining remission.
- Preventive care:
- Monitor for and prevent osteoporosis (particularly those on steroids)
- Address cardiac risk factors - increased incidence of CAD in these patients
- Vaccinations:
- For all patients: Influenza annually, Pneumococcal (both PCV 13 and PPSV 23), HBV if risk factors present
- Patients on biologics: Avoid live vaccine preparations however new inactivated Zoster vaccine (Shingrix) appears safe and efficacious even in patients on anti-TNFs
- Basics for early disease:
- Use a treat-to-target strategy
- All patients:
- Start with DMARD monotherapy (preferably MTX)
- If disease activity remains moderate or high despite DMARD monotherapy:
- Use combination DMARDs or TNFi or non-TNF biologic, rather than DMARD monotherapy
- If disease flares:
- Add short-term glucocorticoids at the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible duration
- Basics for patients with established disease:
- Always use a treat-to-target strategy
- If disease activity remains low:
- Used DMARD monotherapy
- If disease activity remains moderate or high despite DMARD monotherapy:
- Use combination DMARDs or TNFi or non-TNF biologic, rather than DMARD monotherapy
- If disease activity remains moderate or high despite TNFi therapy:
- Add one to two DMARDs to TNFi therapy, rather than TNFi therapy alone
- If disease is in remission, do not discontinue all therapies
Drug Classes
Drug class
Medications |
Non-disease-modifying agents |
Nonbiologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) **Can take up to 3 months for effect |
Biologic DMARDs **Can take up to 3 months for effect |
Small molecule drugs |
- Methotrexate: non-biologic DMARD, first line agent that can be used as monotherapy or in combination with SSZ and HCQ as part of “triple therapy”
- Dosed weekly either orally or as IM injection
- Initiate at low dose 7.5-15mg weekly, max dose 20 mg weekly
- Patients should also receive folic acid 1mg daily to reduce risk of side effects
- Common side effects: mucositis, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, alopecia
- Severe adverse effect: hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression, pneumonitis (fever, cough, dyspnea)
- Contraindications: pregnancy, HBV, HCV, other underlying liver disease
- Caution in CKD due to reduced excretion and increased risk of toxicity
- Monitoring:
- Following initiation or dose changes: CBC, AST/ALT, and Cr every month
- On maintenance dose: CBC, AST/ALT, and Cr every 3 months
- Biologic DMARDs:
- Anti-TNFα agents (etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, golimumab),
- Adverse effects: Infection (particularly TB), CHF exacerbations (do not use in NYHA stage III/IV CHF), increased risk of lymphoma and melanoma, drug-induced lupus, demyelination; infliximab - serum sickness reaction, others- injection site reactions.
- Monitoring labs and: CBC and LFTs 1 month after initiation and q6months thereafter, TB screening at baseline
- Anti-TNFα agents (etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, golimumab),
- Other biologics:
- Abatacept – CTLA4 Ig, prevents T-Cell activation by disrupting Ag presentation.
- Contraindications: TB, COPD (due to infections), live vaccinations
- Rituximab – anti CD20, depletes B-cells.
- Contraindications: HBV; high risk of HBV reactivation – if isolated HBcAb positive, still need HBV prophylaxis
- Tocilizumab – anti IL6
- Contraindications: TB
- Abatacept – CTLA4 Ig, prevents T-Cell activation by disrupting Ag presentation.
- Small molecule medications (Tofacitinib and baricitinib - JAK/STAT inhibitors)
- Adverse effects: infection, cytopenias, hepatitis, hyperlipidemia
When to refer
- As the choice and management of immunosuppressive regimens is highly complex, all patients with a diagnosis of RA (or in whom diagnosis is in doubt) should be referred to rheumatology
- Initial studies to obtain with referral to rheum: CBC with differential, creatinine and a liver panel (to guide therapy), ESR, CRP, RF & CCP Abs, HBV (HBcAb, HBsAb, HBsAg) & HCV Ab, quantiferon or PPD; plain films of bilateral hands and feet
Aletaha D, et al. 2010 Rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: An American College of Rheumatology/European League against Rheumatism collaborative initiative. Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Sep;62(9):2569–81.
Imboden JB, et al. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Rheumatology. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Klippel JH et al. Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. 13th ed. New York: Springer, 2008.
Singh JA, et al. 2012 update of the 2008 American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologic agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Res. 2012 May;64(5):625–39.
Singh JA, et al. 2015 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care and Res. 2016 Jan;68(1):1-26.